Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Tale of the Turquoise Toenails

I've never painted my toenails, or anything else for that matter, turquoise. Until now. Here's the story... of a man named Brady... oh, wait, wrong story...

I found out two weeks ago that one of my best childhood friends, Jennifer, had a stroke in June, she's only 44. I immediately made arrangements to go visit her the following day.

I took some nail polish, turquoise, in hopes that she'd let me paint her nails. I had seen her post a photo on Facebook a while back of her turquoise toenails, so I thought I was on the right track with the color. She can't speak easily, but nodded that I could paint the nails on her left hand (her right side is paralyzed, and she couldn't open her hand enough to have the nails done). After the first coat, she admired her hand, and seemed pleased.

Five minutes later, she slapped the table with her hand, demanding a second coat, she's sassy that way.

A second coat and eventually a third coat were applied, and her hand looked gorgeous.

It was a nice visit, she smiled a bit, said a few words, and giggled when I had to put on reading glasses to paint her nails.

The following week, I stopped for another visit. This time I was able to paint her right hand. I had come just after her physical therapy session, and her hand was considerably more open.

She laughed at my glasses again, the little stinker.

Then I decided to paint my toenails with the same turquoise polish (glasses on again, and again, more giggling). When I was through, I said "Now every time I look at my feet, I'll think of you." Her dad didn't know if that was a compliment, ahem. And it is true, every time I glance at those turquoise toes, I think of Jen, and pray for her.

So, I will be posting pics of my turquoise toenails, which I will keep up the entire trip, in honor of my friend Jennifer.

When you see those turquoise toes, will you pray for her too?


  1. Wow, what a great read!!!

  2. I will! and I will paint my the same color this week!
