Monday, September 10, 2012

Ingalls Homestead - part 1

Sept. 10, 2012

We came up to the Ingalls Homestead property in DeSmet, South Dakota after 6pm. There was a sign up that said they were closed but to go ahead and enjoy the Prairie. We wandered around and found that most of the buildings were left open, so we got to enjoy seeing them without paying the admission fee.

Hannah enjoyed running down the prairie slope and it reminded Bob and I of the beginning of the Little House on the Prairie TV show.

There is quite a bit to see:
A dugout which was cool inside despite the 95° temperature outside.
A replica of the Brewster school where Laura taught when she was 15.
A little house that was supposed to be like the one Pa built, but it was not very accurate to the description in the books.
A hay roofed barn, which has chickens and a calf.
A large barn (which doesn't even try to be historically accurate), it houses a museum of sorts upstairs, and horses down.
A church (moved to the property).
A viewing tower.
The main store and more.

The kids were quick to find two kitties on the property. A snaggle-toothed Siamese in the large barn was very friendly, and looked to me like she might have some kittens hiding somewhere. In the hay roofed barn there was a black kitten who loved to climb on laps and purr, the kids named her Midnight.

The wind was relentless, and it was so hot, we finally went into town and stated at a hotel for the night.
View from the large barn up the slope to the store
Snaggle-toothed kitty
Upstairs in the large barn
The 'Little House on the Prairie"
Giddyup Daddy
Hannah running down the prairie slope toward the Little House and large barn

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