Thursday, October 4, 2012

Richmond, Virginia

We stopped very briefly in Richmond Virginia, the southern Capital of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. We walked a bit in the historical part of town, and saw several listed buildings, including the Confederate White House. It was closed by the time we got there, so I just got pictures outside, and one peek in through the glass on the basement door. 

Robby loves maps, I think it makes him feel like he's looking for treasure.
This was one of several working gas street lamps.
So many historic buildings, it is a wonder to us Californians.
There was a neat museum of 20th Century items. I loved this WWII era dress.
The timeline on the floor was a really great feature.
Confederate White House, Richmond, Virginia
The columns were massive.
The lower entrance hall to the Confederate White House. Notice the no photography sign. Ooops.
Long Day.

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