Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Can I play on your iPod Touch? Pleeeaaasssseee...

So, as you are aware, we'll be posting a lot of blog entries as we make our way through this adventure. Which means we'll need to have at least one laptop along for the ride. But, being that I'm a gadget geek and a systems engineer, you *know* that I'll be bringing a few extras along for the ride.

Let's review all of the "toys" that will be traveling with us...

Apple 15" MacBook Pro (mainly Heidi & Bob)
Toshiba 10" NB-505 netbook (mainly Bob)
Apple iPhone 4S (Heidi's)
Motorola Droid X (Bob's)
Apple iPod Touch (Bob's)
Apple iPod Classic (x2) (Heidi's & Hannah's)
Panasonic 12MP camera (Hannah's)
Sony 10MP camera (Heidi's)
Cisco FlipVideo HD (x2) (Heidi's & Bob's)

Doesn't sound like much but add in all the power/charging cables, cables to join things together, batteries for some things, mice, headphones, and a car mount and you have quite a bit of stuff.

All in all, it fits in one large and heavy backpack. Not too bad, and we'll be extra careful about keeping it safe.

1 comment:

  1. What, no astromech droid? They do all the stuff of those gadgets ;)
