So, as you are aware, we'll be posting a lot of blog entries as we make our way through this adventure. Which means we'll need to have at least one laptop along for the ride. But, being that I'm a gadget geek and a systems engineer, you *know* that I'll be bringing a few extras along for the ride.
Let's review all of the "toys" that will be traveling with us...
Apple 15" MacBook Pro (mainly Heidi & Bob)
Toshiba 10" NB-505 netbook (mainly Bob)
Apple iPhone 4S (Heidi's)
Motorola Droid X (Bob's)
Apple iPod Touch (Bob's)
Apple iPod Classic (x2) (Heidi's & Hannah's)
Panasonic 12MP camera (Hannah's)
Sony 10MP camera (Heidi's)
Cisco FlipVideo HD (x2) (Heidi's & Bob's)
Doesn't sound like much but add in all the power/charging cables, cables to join things together, batteries for some things, mice, headphones, and a car mount and you have quite a bit of stuff.
All in all, it fits in one large and heavy backpack. Not too bad, and we'll be extra careful about keeping it safe.
What, no astromech droid? They do all the stuff of those gadgets ;)